What is the Market Demand for On-Demand Caregiving?
Those who personally use, or whose family uses senior caregivers were asked a series of questions regarding whether they needed or wished for last-minute care, and whether they would use on-demand services.
35 people across the country participated in this study.
On average, how many times per month does a caregiver reschedule with little notice?
On average, caregivers needed to cancel last minute on survey participants over 5 times per month.
Has your family ever needed to book a caregiver last minute?
Has your family ever wished they had booked a caregiver when one was not already scheduled?
Has your family ever used an on-demand care option?
Would your family ever use an on-demand caregiver service?
Approximately 71% of survey takers would use on on-demand caregiving service.
Do you wish there were more on-demand care options?
Approximately 71% of survey takers wish there were more on-demand care options.